Dijana Tomik Radevska ::
Spiral & Dispersed Spiral, 2021
(an object, paper and ink drawing)
Katica Kjulavkova
:: Deutsch :: Македонски ::
When a rapture moves me to tears
And an impulse to sing and praise rises in me
You are there, you are here
When the scent of lime, acacia and lilac
Floods the city
And it reminds me of elder and castor bean
And it takes me back home, to the childhood
You are there, you are here
When the first sunbeam wakes me up
And the last one calms me down
Before Luna rises, neither in heaven nor on earth
You are there, you are here
When the ground pulls me down
To the depths of the sea
In the house of fear, full of beautiful wonders
You are there, you are here
When a stabbing pain frightens me
Of words and immoderate sorrow with the addition of despair
of a typical Macedonopath
You are there, you are here
When I begin to pray in the midst of life
And my faith returns without me realizing when
You are there, you are here
When the difference
Between beginning and end
Between life and death is lost
You are there, you are here
When two oceans coexist
Without pouring into each other
Without blurring the border
That line of freedom
To be together, yet separate
You are there, you are here
A riddle without a solution
You shine like a ray of light, silent but clear
perfect, but not completed
You are there, you are here
So not from here, so from here!
Translated from the Macedonian (not edited, leaning on the German translation) :: Elizabeta Lindner