SlovoKult :: Covidivision

text :: vision :: sound 

Geist :: Zeitgeist :: Gespenst :: Spirit :: Ghost :: Mind :: Дух :: Дух на времето :: Сениште ::


We will present you some works in here :: 

::01:: Dijana Tomik (visual art) :: Katica Kjulavkova (poetry) :: Elizabeta Lindner (translation) ::

(soon multilingual video with sound)


::03 ::



Wir werden jetzt mehr auf Englisch schreiben, weil wir die Internationalität vereinfachen wollen, aber die Mehrsprachigkeit werden wir in den Texten aufbewahren. 

Wir starten einen neuen Abschnitt hier, der sich mit dem Geist beschäftigt. Dazu werden wir Texte unserer Autoren in typischen SlovoKult-Stil (Text-Bild-Sound) präsentieren – aber wir werden dazu noch EXPERIMENT einführen.

ENG :: We will write more in English now, because we want to simplify the internationality, but we will keep the multilingualism in the texts. 

We start a new section here, which will deal with the spirit. For this purpose we will present texts of our authors in typical SlovoKult style (text-image-sound). but we will add EXPERIMENT to it. 

The German word GEIST (and the Macedonian ДУХ) include more meanings than the English word Sprit – so we would like to include also Ghost, Mind and Pneuma – to come to our real subject, the missing ::

:: Excerpt from the Manifesto for the Biennial SlovoKult :: literARTour 2020 ::

Now is always prevented, because time and the spirit of the time do not allow us to be present and to change the present. one must always be everywhere and do hundreds of things, that are separating humans from the spirit itself and from the spirit of the time –  it is a life run to find oneself and lose oneself and be present, involved in the present without losing oneself totally and trying to reconnect to the spirit and the spirit of the time, which means  to err, explore the planet, settle down on the planet as one’s own universe and be present in the present with the spirit of the time – with the Zeitgeist – and at the same time create the future… one needs to be aware of both, because the past is not letting go, one must be one step or even several steps ahead of the past, because it is in the lead when catching up with the present, it catches up and always leads back to where we do not want to be, because we finally have to get out of there and move forward… but we cannot do that. and it is always the same, only more absurd.

For centuries. Now also on the Internet. ::

We start with a very special artwork by Tuxedomoon – wich include everything we cherish :: text-sound-vision :: and is dedicated to the missing ::